perm filename LISP.LOG[LSP,LSP]2 blob sn#336600 filedate 1978-02-19 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00100	29Jan78	WD
00200		Debugged COMPLR.CMD to account for change from K to
00300		pages.  COMPLR recompiled and deposited on [1,3]
00400		to replace an expermimental compiler accidentally
00500		put there on 31Mar76 by BG.
00700	31Jan78	WD
00800		Minor changes to the definitions of DE, DF, and DM in LISP.LSP.
00900		These functions now accept the form:
01100			(DE (FOO X Y) (CONS X Y))
01300		as well as the standard form:
01500			(DE FOO (X Y) (CONS X Y)).
01700		In either form an additional (final) argument can be added:
01900			(DE FOO (X Y) (CONS X Y) BAR)
02100		forcing the definition of a BAR property rather
02200		than the default (in this case EXPR) property.
02400			In addition a variable called %FTYPES, currently
02500		equal to: (EXPR, FEXPR, SUBR, FSUBR, LSUBR, MACRO) was
02600		added for use by %DEFIN.
02800			The old version of LISP.LSP was saved as:
03100	4Feb78	WD
03200		Recompiled compiler interpretively.  ISSUBR must be
03300	defined as NIL and UPPERFLG set to NIL for correct
03400	results.
03600	5Feb78	WD
03700		Modified COMPLR and FORMAT to accomodate change to DE,
03800	DF, and DM.  MAKDEF was renamed MAKDEFIN and a new MAKDEF was added.
03900	These functions are entirely paralled to %DEF and %DEFIN in LISP.LSP.
04000		Introduced ILISPFLAG into COMPLR and revised OUTCALL and
04100	OUTJCALL accordingly.
04200		Added elapsed time printout to FORMAT.
04400	7Feb78	WD
04500		Modified COMPLR and FORMAT to report elapsed time
04600	down to tenths of seconds, by changing the functions TELLTALE and
04700	FORMFILE respectively.
04900	8Feb78	WD
05000		RAK asked for an increase in the number of IO buffers in
05100	LISP to speed up IO.  This proved difficult
05200	The result is LISP.DMP[LSP,LSP].as the LISP on [1,3], but has not 
05300	been put on SYS: because there are a variety of bugs to iron out.  
05400		SYS:LISP draws the varous auxiliary files LISP.LOD etc.
05500	from [LSP,DCS] and the files LISP.LSP and LISP.INI(if any)
05600	from SYS:.  LISP.MAC sought these files on [LSP,SYS], and
05700	SYS: respectively.  None of these files would lode properly
05800	until an extral word was added to make the new LISP the
05900	same length as the old.  My attempts to build a new system
06000	from scratch (ie. not using the old LISP.LOD etc.) have so far
06100	failed.  The changes to LISP.MAC[LSP,LSP] are shown
06200	below:
06400	  1) LISP.MAC[LSP,LSP] and 2) NLISP.MAC[LSP,LSP]	2-08-78 22:15	pages 2,2
06600	**** File 1) LISP.MAC[LSP,LSP], Page 2 line 80
06700	1)	NIOB==2	;no of I/O buffers per device
06800	**** File 2) NLISP.MAC[LSP,LSP], Page 2 line 80
06900	2)	NIOB==23	;no of I/O buffers per device
07100	**** File 1) LISP.MAC[LSP,LSP], Page 4 line 4
07200	1)	DEFINE LSPPPN <SIXBIT /LSPSYS/> ; more specifically, here (SEE END FOR DEF)
07300	**** File 2) NLISP.MAC[LSP,LSP], Page 4 line 4
07400	2)	DEFINE LSPPPN <SIXBIT /LSPDCS/> ; more specifically, here (SEE END FOR DEF)
07600	**** File 1) LISP.MAC[LSP,LSP], Page 5 line 6
07700	1)	;****	JRST LISP1X	;entry point to get into read-eval-print loop
07800	**** File 2) NLISP.MAC[LSP,LSP], Page 5 line 6
07900	2)		JRST .+1	;put in to match a patch in LISP[1,3] - WD
08000	2)	;****	JRST LISP1X	;entry point to get into read-eval-print loop
08200	15Feb78	WD
08300		Slight modification to FORMAT to print out processing time
08400	in decimal and put carriage returns between time statements for
08500	different files.
08700	17Feb78	WD
08800		Added FINIT and FSTART to FORMAT.  These exactly parallel
08900	CINIT and CSTART in COMPLR.  FORMAT now looks for the
09000	file FORMAT.INI on both SYS: and DSK: and reads it if found.
09200	18Feb78	WD
09300		Condensed the two versions of INDEX into one program with
09400	a variable USEKEY to decide which is used.  If USEKEY is true
09500	each entry in the list of function names has a key attached for 
09550	sorting, otherwise sorting is done directly on the PNAME.
09800	19Feb78	WD
09900		In correcting the handling of DE, DF, and DM in INDEX, I
10000	decided to pull in my horns a bit and omit the possibility of a
10100	final argument overriding the default type.  This change was 
10200	therefore made in LISP.LSP and COMPLR as well.  Source comparison
10300	for the case of LISP.LSP is shown below.
10500	  1) LSPLSP.OLD[LSP,LSP] and 2) LISP.LSP[LSP,LSP]	2-19-78 01:52	pages 1,1
10700	**** File 1) LSPLSP.OLD[LSP,LSP], Page 1 line 12
10800	1)	  (COND	((ATOM (CAR ARGS)) (%DEFIN (CAR ARGS)
10900	1)					   (CADR ARGS)
11000	1)					   (CADDR ARGS)
11100	1)					   (COND ((NULL (CDDDR ARGS)) TYPE)
11200	1)						 (T (CADDDR ARGS)))))
11300	1)		(T (%DEFIN (CAAR ARGS)
11400	1)			   (CDAR ARGS)
11500	1)			   (CADR ARGS)
11600	1)			   (COND ((NULL (CDDR ARGS)) TYPE)
11700	1)				 (T (CADDR ARGS)))))))
11800	1)	 EXPR)
11900	**** File 2) LISP.LSP[LSP,LSP], Page 1 line 12
12000	2)	  (COND	((ATOM (CAR ARGS))
12300	2)	 EXPR)
12400	***************